Commit 9610b616 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

go/doc: fix URL matched in ToHTML

Permit paired parentheses in URLs such as:

Fixes #5043.

parent e79bab30
......@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ func commentEscape(w io.Writer, text string, nice bool) {
const (
// Regexp for Go identifiers
identRx = `[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*` // TODO(gri) ASCII only for now - fix this
identRx = `[\pL_][\pL_0-9]*`
// Regexp for URLs
protocol = `(https?|ftp|file|gopher|mailto|news|nntp|telnet|wais|prospero):`
protocol = `https?|ftp|file|gopher|mailto|news|nntp|telnet|wais|prospero`
hostPart = `[a-zA-Z0-9_@\-]+`
filePart = `[a-zA-Z0-9_?%#~&/\-+=]+`
urlRx = protocol + `//` + // http://
filePart = `[a-zA-Z0-9_?%#~&/\-+=()]+` // parentheses may not be matching; see pairedParensPrefixLen
urlRx = `(` + protocol + `)://` + // http://
hostPart + `([.:]` + hostPart + `)*/?` + // //
filePart + `([:.,]` + filePart + `)*`
......@@ -73,6 +73,29 @@ var (
html_endh = []byte("</h3>\n")
// pairedParensPrefixLen returns the length of the longest prefix of s containing paired parentheses.
func pairedParensPrefixLen(s string) int {
parens := 0
l := len(s)
for i, ch := range s {
switch ch {
case '(':
if parens == 0 {
l = i
case ')':
if parens == 0 {
l = len(s)
} else if parens < 0 {
return i
return l
// Emphasize and escape a line of text for HTML. URLs are converted into links;
// if the URL also appears in the words map, the link is taken from the map (if
// the corresponding map value is the empty string, the URL is not converted
......@@ -92,18 +115,26 @@ func emphasize(w io.Writer, line string, words map[string]string, nice bool) {
// write text before match
commentEscape(w, line[0:m[0]], nice)
// analyze match
// adjust match if necessary
match := line[m[0]:m[1]]
if n := pairedParensPrefixLen(match); n < len(match) {
// match contains unpaired parentheses (rare);
// redo matching with shortened line for correct indices
m = matchRx.FindStringSubmatchIndex(line[:m[0]+n])
match = match[:n]
// analyze match
url := ""
italics := false
if words != nil {
url, italics = words[string(match)]
url, italics = words[match]
if m[2] >= 0 {
// match against first parenthesized sub-regexp; must be match against urlRx
if !italics {
// no alternative URL in words list, use match instead
url = string(match)
url = match
italics = false // don't italicize URLs
......@@ -148,13 +148,16 @@ func TestToText(t *testing.T) {
var emphasizeTests = []struct {
in string
out string
in, out string
{"", `<a href=""></a>`},
{"", `<a href=""></a>`},
{"", `<a href=""></a>.`},
{"", `<a href=""></a>`},
{"(", `(<a href=""></a>)`},
{"", `<a href=""></a>)`},
{"((", `((<a href=""></a>))`},
{" (( ()", `<a href=""></a> ((<a href=""></a>)) ()`},
{"Foo bar quux!", `Foo bar <a href=""></a> quux!`},
{"Hello /world.", `Hello <a href=""></a> /world.`},
{"Lorem http: ipsum //host/path", "Lorem http: ipsum //host/path"},
......@@ -171,3 +174,34 @@ func TestEmphasize(t *testing.T) {
var pairedParensPrefixLenTests = []struct {
in, out string
{"", ""},
{"foo", "foo"},
{"()", "()"},
{"foo()", "foo()"},
{"foo()()()", "foo()()()"},
{"foo()((()()))", "foo()((()()))"},
{"foo()((()()))bar", "foo()((()()))bar"},
{"foo)", "foo"},
{"foo))", "foo"},
{"foo)))))", "foo"},
{"(foo", ""},
{"((foo", ""},
{"(((((foo", ""},
{"(foo)", "(foo)"},
{"((((foo))))", "((((foo))))"},
{"foo()())", "foo()()"},
{"foo((()())", "foo"},
{"foo((()())) (() foo ", "foo((()())) "},
func TestPairedParensPrefixLen(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range pairedParensPrefixLenTests {
if out :=[:pairedParensPrefixLen(]; out != tt.out {
t.Errorf("#%d: mismatch\nhave: %q\nwant: %q", i, out, tt.out)
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