Commit 98842cab authored by Brad Fitzpatrick's avatar Brad Fitzpatrick

net/http: don't send body on redirects for 301, 302, 303 when GetBody is set

The presence of Request.GetBody being set on a request was causing all
redirected requests to have a body, even if the redirect status didn't
warrant one.

This bug came from 307/308 support ( which
removed the line that set req.Body to nil after POST/PUT redirects.

Change-Id: I2a4dd5320f810ae25cfd8ea8ca7c9700e5dbd369
Run-TryBot: Brad Fitzpatrick <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarJoe Tsai <>
parent 314180e7
......@@ -413,11 +413,12 @@ func (c *Client) checkRedirect(req *Request, via []*Request) error {
// redirectBehavior describes what should happen when the
// client encounters a 3xx status code from the server
func redirectBehavior(reqMethod string, resp *Response, ireq *Request) (redirectMethod string, shouldRedirect bool) {
func redirectBehavior(reqMethod string, resp *Response, ireq *Request) (redirectMethod string, shouldRedirect, includeBody bool) {
switch resp.StatusCode {
case 301, 302, 303:
redirectMethod = reqMethod
shouldRedirect = true
includeBody = false
// RFC 2616 allowed automatic redirection only with GET and
// HEAD requests. RFC 7231 lifts this restriction, but we still
......@@ -429,6 +430,7 @@ func redirectBehavior(reqMethod string, resp *Response, ireq *Request) (redirect
case 307, 308:
redirectMethod = reqMethod
shouldRedirect = true
includeBody = true
// Treat 307 and 308 specially, since they're new in
// Go 1.8, and they also require re-sending the request body.
......@@ -449,7 +451,7 @@ func redirectBehavior(reqMethod string, resp *Response, ireq *Request) (redirect
shouldRedirect = false
return redirectMethod, shouldRedirect
return redirectMethod, shouldRedirect, includeBody
// Do sends an HTTP request and returns an HTTP response, following
......@@ -492,11 +494,14 @@ func (c *Client) Do(req *Request) (*Response, error) {
var (
deadline = c.deadline()
reqs []*Request
resp *Response
copyHeaders = c.makeHeadersCopier(req)
deadline = c.deadline()
reqs []*Request
resp *Response
copyHeaders = c.makeHeadersCopier(req)
// Redirect behavior:
redirectMethod string
includeBody bool
uerr := func(err error) error {
......@@ -534,7 +539,7 @@ func (c *Client) Do(req *Request) (*Response, error) {
Cancel: ireq.Cancel,
ctx: ireq.ctx,
if ireq.GetBody != nil {
if includeBody && ireq.GetBody != nil {
req.Body, err = ireq.GetBody()
if err != nil {
return nil, uerr(err)
......@@ -598,7 +603,7 @@ func (c *Client) Do(req *Request) (*Response, error) {
var shouldRedirect bool
redirectMethod, shouldRedirect = redirectBehavior(req.Method, resp, reqs[0])
redirectMethod, shouldRedirect, includeBody = redirectBehavior(req.Method, resp, reqs[0])
if !shouldRedirect {
return resp, nil
......@@ -360,25 +360,25 @@ func TestPostRedirects(t *testing.T) {
wantSegments := []string{
`POST / "first"`,
`POST /?code=301&next=302 "c301"`,
`GET /?code=302 "c301"`,
`GET / "c301"`,
`GET /?code=302 ""`,
`GET / ""`,
`POST /?code=302&next=302 "c302"`,
`GET /?code=302 "c302"`,
`GET / "c302"`,
`GET /?code=302 ""`,
`GET / ""`,
`POST /?code=303&next=301 "c303wc301"`,
`GET /?code=301 "c303wc301"`,
`GET / "c303wc301"`,
`GET /?code=301 ""`,
`GET / ""`,
`POST /?code=304 "c304"`,
`POST /?code=305 "c305"`,
`POST /?code=307&next=303,308,302 "c307"`,
`POST /?code=303&next=308,302 "c307"`,
`GET /?code=308&next=302 "c307"`,
`GET /?code=308&next=302 ""`,
`GET /?code=302 "c307"`,
`GET / "c307"`,
`GET / ""`,
`POST /?code=308&next=302,301 "c308"`,
`POST /?code=302&next=301 "c308"`,
`GET /?code=301 "c308"`,
`GET / "c308"`,
`GET /?code=301 ""`,
`GET / ""`,
`POST /?code=404 "c404"`,
want := strings.Join(wantSegments, "\n")
......@@ -399,20 +399,20 @@ func TestDeleteRedirects(t *testing.T) {
wantSegments := []string{
`DELETE / "first"`,
`DELETE /?code=301&next=302,308 "c301"`,
`GET /?code=302&next=308 "c301"`,
`GET /?code=308 "c301"`,
`GET /?code=302&next=308 ""`,
`GET /?code=308 ""`,
`GET / "c301"`,
`DELETE /?code=302&next=302 "c302"`,
`GET /?code=302 "c302"`,
`GET / "c302"`,
`GET /?code=302 ""`,
`GET / ""`,
`DELETE /?code=303 "c303"`,
`GET / "c303"`,
`GET / ""`,
`DELETE /?code=307&next=301,308,303,302,304 "c307"`,
`DELETE /?code=301&next=308,303,302,304 "c307"`,
`GET /?code=308&next=303,302,304 "c307"`,
`GET /?code=308&next=303,302,304 ""`,
`GET /?code=303&next=302,304 "c307"`,
`GET /?code=302&next=304 "c307"`,
`GET /?code=304 "c307"`,
`GET /?code=302&next=304 ""`,
`GET /?code=304 ""`,
`DELETE /?code=308&next=307 "c308"`,
`DELETE /?code=307 "c308"`,
`DELETE / "c308"`,
......@@ -432,7 +432,11 @@ func testRedirectsByMethod(t *testing.T, method string, table []redirectTest, wa
ts = httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
slurp, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
fmt.Fprintf(&log.Buffer, "%s %s %q\n", r.Method, r.RequestURI, slurp)
fmt.Fprintf(&log.Buffer, "%s %s %q", r.Method, r.RequestURI, slurp)
if cl := r.Header.Get("Content-Length"); r.Method == "GET" && len(slurp) == 0 && (r.ContentLength != 0 || cl != "") {
fmt.Fprintf(&log.Buffer, " (but with body=%T, content-length = %v, %q)", r.Body, r.ContentLength, cl)
urlQuery := r.URL.Query()
if v := urlQuery.Get("code"); v != "" {
......@@ -475,7 +479,24 @@ func testRedirectsByMethod(t *testing.T, method string, table []redirectTest, wa
want = strings.TrimSpace(want)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("Log differs.\n Got:\n%s\nWant:\n%s\n", got, want)
got, want, lines := removeCommonLines(got, want)
t.Errorf("Log differs after %d common lines.\n\nGot:\n%s\n\nWant:\n%s\n", lines, got, want)
func removeCommonLines(a, b string) (asuffix, bsuffix string, commonLines int) {
for {
nl := strings.IndexByte(a, '\n')
if nl < 0 {
return a, b, commonLines
line := a[:nl+1]
if !strings.HasPrefix(b, line) {
return a, b, commonLines
a = a[len(line):]
b = b[len(line):]
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