Commit 9f0cabfa authored by Andrew Gerrand's avatar Andrew Gerrand

goinstall: document GOPATH and support relative/absolute installs

goinstall: more verbose logging with -v

Fixes #1901.

R=rsc, n13m3y3r
parent 9ec0c01e
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Goinstall is an experiment in automatic package installation.
It installs packages, possibly downloading them from the internet.
It maintains a list of public Go packages at
......@@ -100,5 +99,59 @@ Instead, it invokes "make install" after locating the package sources.
For local packages without a Makefile and all remote packages,
goinstall creates and uses a temporary Makefile constructed from
the import path and the list of Go files in the package.
The GOPATH Environment Variable
GOPATH may be set to a colon-separated list of paths inside which Go code,
package objects, and executables may be found.
Set a GOPATH to use goinstall to build and install your own code and
external libraries outside of the Go tree (and to avoid writing Makefiles).
The top-level directory structure of a GOPATH is prescribed:
The 'src' directory is for source code. The directory naming inside 'src'
determines the package import path or executable name.
The 'pkg' directory is for package objects. Like the Go tree, package objects
are stored inside a directory named after the target operating system and
processor architecture ('pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH').
A package whose source is located at '$GOPATH/src/foo/bar' would be imported
as 'foo/bar' and installed as '$GOPATH/pkg/$GOOS_$GOARCH/foo/bar.a'.
The 'bin' directory is for executable files.
Goinstall installs program binaries using the name of the source folder.
A binary whose source is at 'src/foo/qux' would be built and installed to
'$GOPATH/bin/qux'. (Note 'bin/qux', not 'bin/foo/qux' - this is such that
you can put the bin directory in your PATH.)
Here's an example directory layout:
bar/ (go code in package bar)
qux/ (go code in package main)
bin/qux (executable file)
pkg/linux_amd64/foo/bar.a (object file)
Run 'goinstall foo/bar' to build and install the package 'foo/bar'
(and its dependencies).
Goinstall will search each GOPATH (in order) for 'src/foo/bar'.
If the directory cannot be found, goinstall will attempt to fetch the
source from a remote repository and write it to the 'src' directory of the
first GOPATH (or $GOROOT/src/pkg if GOPATH is not set).
Goinstall recognizes relative and absolute paths (paths beginning with / or .).
The following commands would build our example packages:
goinstall /home/user/gocode/src/foo/bar # build and install foo/bar
cd /home/user/gocode/src/foo
goinstall ./bar # build and install foo/bar (again)
cd qux
goinstall . # build and install foo/qux
package documentation
......@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ var (
argv0 = os.Args[0]
errors = false
parents = make(map[string]string)
root = runtime.GOROOT()
visit = make(map[string]status)
logfile = filepath.Join(root, "goinstall.log")
logfile = filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "goinstall.log")
installedPkgs = make(map[string]bool)
allpkg = flag.Bool("a", false, "install all previously installed packages")
......@@ -52,14 +51,30 @@ const (
func logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
format = "%s: " + format
args = append([]interface{}{argv0}, args...)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, args...)
func vlogf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if *verbose {
logf(format, args...)
func errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
errors = true
logf(format, args...)
func main() {
flag.Usage = usage
if root == "" {
if runtime.GOROOT() == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: no $GOROOT\n", argv0)
root += filepath.FromSlash("/src/pkg/")
// special case - "unsafe" is already installed
visit["unsafe"] = done
......@@ -88,6 +103,11 @@ func main() {
for _, path := range args {
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "http://") {
errorf("'http://' used in remote path, try '%s'\n", path[7:])
install(path, "")
if errors {
......@@ -131,11 +151,6 @@ func logPackage(pkg string) {
// install installs the package named by path, which is needed by parent.
func install(pkg, parent string) {
if isStandardPath(pkg) {
visit[pkg] = done
// Make sure we're not already trying to install pkg.
switch visit[pkg] {
case done:
......@@ -148,46 +163,44 @@ func install(pkg, parent string) {
visit[pkg] = visiting
parents[pkg] = parent
if *verbose {
vlogf("%s: visit\n", pkg)
// Check whether package is local or remote.
// If remote, download or update it.
var dir string
proot := gopath[0] // default to GOROOT
local := false
if strings.HasPrefix(pkg, "http://") {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s: 'http://' used in remote path, try '%s'\n", argv0, pkg, pkg[7:])
errors = true
proot, pkg, err := findPackageRoot(pkg)
// Don't build the standard library.
if err == nil && proot.goroot && isStandardPath(pkg) {
if parent == "" {
errorf("%s: can not goinstall the standard library\n", pkg)
} else {
vlogf("%s: skipping standard library\n", pkg)
visit[pkg] = done
if isLocalPath(pkg) {
dir = pkg
local = true
} else {
proot = findPkgroot(pkg)
err := download(pkg, proot.srcDir())
dir = filepath.Join(proot.srcDir(), pkg)
// Download remote packages if not found or forced with -u flag.
remote := isRemote(pkg)
if remote && (err == ErrPackageNotFound || (err == nil && *update)) {
vlogf("%s: download\n", pkg)
err = download(pkg, proot.srcDir())
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", argv0, pkg, err)
errors = true
errorf("%s: %v\n", pkg, err)
visit[pkg] = done
dir := filepath.Join(proot.srcDir(), pkg)
// Install prerequisites.
dirInfo, err := scanDir(dir, parent == "")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", argv0, pkg, err)
errors = true
errorf("%s: %v\n", pkg, err)
visit[pkg] = done
if len(dirInfo.goFiles) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s: package has no files\n", argv0, pkg)
errors = true
errorf("%s: package has no files\n", pkg)
visit[pkg] = done
......@@ -200,22 +213,16 @@ func install(pkg, parent string) {
// Install this package.
if !errors {
isCmd := dirInfo.pkgName == "main"
if err := domake(dir, pkg, proot, local, isCmd); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: installing %s: %s\n", argv0, pkg, err)
errors = true
} else if !local && *logPkgs {
// mark this package as installed in $GOROOT/goinstall.log
if err := domake(dir, pkg, proot, isCmd); err != nil {
errorf("installing: %v\n", err)
} else if remote && *logPkgs {
// mark package as installed in $GOROOT/goinstall.log
visit[pkg] = done
// Is this a local path? /foo ./foo ../foo . ..
func isLocalPath(s string) bool {
const sep = string(filepath.Separator)
return strings.HasPrefix(s, sep) || strings.HasPrefix(s, "."+sep) || strings.HasPrefix(s, ".."+sep) || s == "." || s == ".."
// Is this a standard package path? strings container/vector etc.
// Assume that if the first element has a dot, it's a domain name
......@@ -245,9 +252,7 @@ func genRun(dir string, stdin []byte, cmd []string, quiet bool) os.Error {
return err
p, err := exec.Run(bin, cmd, os.Environ(), dir, exec.Pipe, exec.Pipe, exec.MergeWithStdout)
if *verbose {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s; %s %s\n", argv0, dir, bin, strings.Join(cmd[1:], " "))
vlogf("%s: %s %s\n", dir, bin, strings.Join(cmd[1:], " "))
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -257,7 +262,6 @@ func genRun(dir string, stdin []byte, cmd []string, quiet bool) os.Error {
var buf bytes.Buffer
io.Copy(&buf, p.Stdout)
io.Copy(&buf, p.Stdout)
w, err := p.Wait(0)
if err != nil {
......@@ -14,26 +14,14 @@ import (
// domake builds the package in dir.
// If local is false, the package was copied from an external system.
// For non-local packages or packages without Makefiles,
// domake generates a standard Makefile and passes it
// to make on standard input.
func domake(dir, pkg string, root *pkgroot, local, isCmd bool) (err os.Error) {
needMakefile := true
if local {
_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, "Makefile"))
if err == nil {
needMakefile = false
cmd := []string{"bash", "gomake"}
var makefile []byte
if needMakefile {
if makefile, err = makeMakefile(dir, pkg, root, isCmd); err != nil {
func domake(dir, pkg string, root *pkgroot, isCmd bool) (err os.Error) {
makefile, err := makeMakefile(dir, pkg, root, isCmd)
if err != nil {
return err
cmd = append(cmd, "-f-")
cmd := []string{"bash", "gomake", "-f-"}
if *clean {
cmd = append(cmd, "clean")
......@@ -51,16 +39,8 @@ func makeMakefile(dir, pkg string, root *pkgroot, isCmd bool) ([]byte, os.Error)
targ := pkg
targDir := root.pkgDir()
if isCmd {
// use the last part of the package name only
// use the last part of the package name for targ
_, targ = filepath.Split(pkg)
// if building the working dir use the directory name
if targ == "." {
d, err := filepath.Abs(dir)
if err != nil {
return nil, os.NewError("finding path: " + err.String())
_, targ = filepath.Split(d)
targDir = root.binDir()
dirInfo, err := scanDir(dir, isCmd)
......@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@
package main
import (
var (
......@@ -19,6 +21,7 @@ var (
// set up gopath: parse and validate GOROOT and GOPATH variables
func init() {
root := runtime.GOROOT()
p, err := newPkgroot(root)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Invalid GOROOT %q: %v", root, err)
......@@ -105,13 +108,42 @@ func (r *pkgroot) hasPkg(name string) bool {
// TODO(adg): check object version is consistent
// findPkgroot searches each of the gopath roots
// for the source code for the given import path.
func findPkgroot(importPath string) *pkgroot {
var ErrPackageNotFound = os.NewError("package could not be found locally")
// findPackageRoot takes an import or filesystem path and returns the
// root where the package source should be and the package import path.
func findPackageRoot(path string) (root *pkgroot, pkg string, err os.Error) {
if isLocalPath(path) {
if path, err = filepath.Abs(path); err != nil {
for _, r := range gopath {
rpath := r.srcDir() + filepath.SeparatorString
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, rpath) {
root = r
pkg = path[len(rpath):]
err = fmt.Errorf("path %q not inside a GOPATH", path)
root = defaultRoot
pkg = path
for _, r := range gopath {
if r.hasSrcDir(importPath) {
return r
if r.hasSrcDir(path) {
root = r
return defaultRoot
err = ErrPackageNotFound
// Is this a local path? /foo ./foo ../foo . ..
func isLocalPath(s string) bool {
const sep = string(filepath.Separator)
return strings.HasPrefix(s, sep) || strings.HasPrefix(s, "."+sep) || strings.HasPrefix(s, ".."+sep) || s == "." || s == ".."
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