Commit adcf0a2a authored by David Symonds's avatar David Symonds

misc/vim: fix Drop for imports after the first group.

Previously, an import block such as
	import (

would not permit ":Drop stack" to work because we were aborting
the scan early, which is only correct when Import is in operation.

R=golang-dev, franciscossouza
parent 83601807
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ function! s:SwitchImport(enabled, localname, path)
let linestr = getline(line)
let m = matchlist(getline(line), '^\()\|\(\s\+\)\(\S*\s*\)"\(.\+\)"\)')
if empty(m)
if siteprefix == ""
if siteprefix == "" && a:enabled
" must be in the first group
......@@ -22,36 +22,53 @@ EOF
# usage: test_one new_import pattern
# usage: test_one command pattern
# Pattern is a PCRE expression that will match across lines.
test_one() {
echo 2>&1 -n "Import $1: "
echo 2>&1 -n "$1: "
vim -e -s -u /dev/null -U /dev/null --noplugin -c "source import.vim" \
-c "Import $1" -c 'wq! test.go' base.go
-c "$1" -c 'wq! test.go' base.go
# ensure blank lines are treated correctly
if ! gofmt test.go | cmp test.go; then
echo 2>&1 "gofmt conflict"
gofmt test.go | diff -u test.go - | sed "s/^/\t/" 2>&1
gofmt test.go | diff -u test.go - | sed "s/^/ /" 2>&1
if ! grep -P -q "(?s)$2" test.go; then
echo 2>&1 "$2 did not match"
cat test.go | sed "s/^/\t/" 2>&1
cat test.go | sed "s/^/ /" 2>&1
echo 2>&1 "ok"
test_one baz '"baz".*"bytes"'
test_one io/ioutil '"io".*"io/ioutil".*"net"'
test_one myc '"io".*"myc".*"net"' # prefix of a site prefix
test_one nat '"io".*"nat".*"net"'
test_one net/http '"net".*"net/http".*"mycorp/foo"'
test_one zoo '"net".*"zoo".*"mycorp/foo"'
test_one mycorp/bar '"net".*"mycorp/bar".*"mycorp/foo"'
test_one mycorp/goo '"net".*"mycorp/foo".*"mycorp/goo"'
# Tests for Import
test_one "Import baz" '"baz".*"bytes"'
test_one "Import io/ioutil" '"io".*"io/ioutil".*"net"'
test_one "Import myc" '"io".*"myc".*"net"' # prefix of a site prefix
test_one "Import nat" '"io".*"nat".*"net"'
test_one "Import net/http" '"net".*"net/http".*"mycorp/foo"'
test_one "Import zoo" '"net".*"zoo".*"mycorp/foo"'
test_one "Import mycorp/bar" '"net".*"mycorp/bar".*"mycorp/foo"'
test_one "Import mycorp/goo" '"net".*"mycorp/foo".*"mycorp/goo"'
# Tests for Drop
cat > base.go <<EOF
package test
import (
test_one "Drop something" '\([^"]*"foo"[^"]*"zoo"[^"]*\)'
rm -f base.go test.go
if [ $fail -gt 0 ]; then
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