Commit c2efb2fd authored by Bill O'Farrell's avatar Bill O'Farrell Committed by Michael Munday

cmd/link: enable c-shared and c-archive mode on s390x

Adding s390x to the list of architectures that support c-shared and c-archive.
Required adding load-time initialization (via _rt0_s390x_linux_lib) and adding s390x
to the c-shared and c-archive tests.

Change-Id: I75883b2891c310fe8ce7f08c27b06895c074e123
Reviewed-on: 's avatarMichael Munday <>
parent bf9ad708
......@@ -842,14 +842,14 @@ func (t *tester) supportedBuildmode(mode string) bool {
switch pair {
case "darwin-386", "darwin-amd64", "darwin-arm", "darwin-arm64",
"linux-amd64", "linux-386", "linux-ppc64le",
"linux-amd64", "linux-386", "linux-ppc64le", "linux-s390x",
"windows-amd64", "windows-386":
return true
return false
case "c-shared":
switch pair {
case "linux-386", "linux-amd64", "linux-arm", "linux-arm64", "linux-ppc64le",
case "linux-386", "linux-amd64", "linux-arm", "linux-arm64", "linux-ppc64le", "linux-s390x",
"darwin-amd64", "darwin-386",
"android-arm", "android-arm64", "android-386",
"windows-amd64", "windows-386":
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ func buildModeInit() {
codegenArg = "-fPIC"
} else {
switch platform {
case "linux/amd64", "linux/arm", "linux/arm64", "linux/386", "linux/ppc64le",
case "linux/amd64", "linux/arm", "linux/arm64", "linux/386", "linux/ppc64le", "linux/s390x",
"android/amd64", "android/arm", "android/arm64", "android/386":
codegenArg = "-shared"
case "darwin/amd64", "darwin/386":
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func (mode *BuildMode) Set(s string) error {
*mode = BuildModeCArchive
case "c-shared":
switch objabi.GOARCH {
case "386", "amd64", "arm", "arm64", "ppc64le":
case "386", "amd64", "arm", "arm64", "ppc64le", "s390x":
return badmode()
......@@ -7,6 +7,83 @@
#include "funcdata.h"
#include "textflag.h"
// _rt0_s390x_lib is common startup code for s390x systems when
// using -buildmode=c-archive or -buildmode=c-shared. The linker will
// arrange to invoke this function as a global constructor (for
// c-archive) or when the shared library is loaded (for c-shared).
// We expect argc and argv to be passed in the usual C ABI registers
// R2 and R3.
TEXT _rt0_s390x_lib(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0
STMG R6, R15, 48(R15)
MOVD R2, _rt0_s390x_lib_argc<>(SB)
MOVD R3, _rt0_s390x_lib_argv<>(SB)
// Save R6-R15 in the register save area of the calling function.
STMG R6, R15, 48(R15)
// Allocate 80 bytes on the stack.
MOVD $-80(R15), R15
// Save F8-F15 in our stack frame.
FMOVD F8, 16(R15)
FMOVD F9, 24(R15)
FMOVD F10, 32(R15)
FMOVD F11, 40(R15)
FMOVD F12, 48(R15)
FMOVD F13, 56(R15)
FMOVD F14, 64(R15)
FMOVD F15, 72(R15)
// Synchronous initialization.
MOVD $runtime·libpreinit(SB), R1
// Create a new thread to finish Go runtime initialization.
MOVD _cgo_sys_thread_create(SB), R1
CMP R1, $0
BEQ nocgo
MOVD $_rt0_s390x_lib_go(SB), R2
MOVD $0, R3
BR restore
MOVD $0x800000, R1 // stacksize
MOVD R1, 0(R15)
MOVD $_rt0_s390x_lib_go(SB), R1
MOVD R1, 8(R15) // fn
MOVD $runtime·newosproc(SB), R1
// Restore F8-F15 from our stack frame.
FMOVD 16(R15), F8
FMOVD 24(R15), F9
FMOVD 32(R15), F10
FMOVD 40(R15), F11
FMOVD 48(R15), F12
FMOVD 56(R15), F13
FMOVD 64(R15), F14
FMOVD 72(R15), F15
MOVD $80(R15), R15
// Restore R6-R15.
LMG 48(R15), R6, R15
// _rt0_s390x_lib_go initializes the Go runtime.
// This is started in a separate thread by _rt0_s390x_lib.
TEXT _rt0_s390x_lib_go(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0
MOVD _rt0_s390x_lib_argc<>(SB), R2
MOVD _rt0_s390x_lib_argv<>(SB), R3
MOVD $runtime·rt0_go(SB), R1
DATA _rt0_s390x_lib_argc<>(SB)/8, $0
GLOBL _rt0_s390x_lib_argc<>(SB), NOPTR, $8
DATA _rt0_s90x_lib_argv<>(SB)/8, $0
GLOBL _rt0_s390x_lib_argv<>(SB), NOPTR, $8
TEXT runtime·rt0_go(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
// R2 = argc; R3 = argv; R11 = temp; R13 = g; R15 = stack pointer
// C TLS base pointer in AR0:AR1
......@@ -4,17 +4,20 @@
#include "textflag.h"
TEXT _rt0_s390x_linux(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0
TEXT _rt0_s390x_linux(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0
// In a statically linked binary, the stack contains argc,
// argv as argc string pointers followed by a NULL, envv as a
// sequence of string pointers followed by a NULL, and auxv.
// There is no TLS base pointer.
// TODO: Support dynamic linking entry point
MOVD 0(R15), R2 // argc
ADD $8, R15, R3 // argv
BR main(SB)
MOVD $runtime·rt0_go(SB), R11
BR R11
MOVD 0(R15), R2 // argc
ADD $8, R15, R3 // argv
BR main(SB)
TEXT _rt0_s390x_linux_lib(SB), NOSPLIT, $0
MOVD $_rt0_s390x_lib(SB), R1
MOVD $runtime·rt0_go(SB), R1
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