Commit ca5179d3 authored by Ken Thompson's avatar Ken Thompson

5ld: stoped generating 64-bit eor

parent 9b85d499
......@@ -1470,15 +1470,24 @@ if(debug['G']) print("%ux: %s: arm %d %d %d\n", (uint32)(p->pc), p->from.sym->na
o1 |= (p->scond & C_SCOND) << 28;
case 80: /* fmov zfcon,freg */
if((p->scond & C_SCOND) != C_SCOND_NONE)
diag("floating point cannot be conditional"); // cant happen
o1 = 0xf3000110; // EOR 64
// always clears the double float register
if(p->as == AMOVD) {
o1 = 0xeeb00b00; // VMOV imm 64
o2 = oprrr(ASUBD, p->scond);
} else {
o1 = 0x0eb00a00; // VMOV imm 32
o2 = oprrr(ASUBF, p->scond);
v = 0x70; // 1.0
r = p->to.reg;
o1 |= r << 0;
// movf $1.0, r
o1 |= (p->scond & C_SCOND) << 28;
o1 |= r << 12;
o1 |= r << 16;
o1 |= (v&0xf) << 0;
o1 |= (v&0xf0) << 12;
// subf r,r,r
o2 |= r | (r<<16) | (r<<12);
case 81: /* fmov sfcon,freg */
o1 = 0x0eb00a00; // VMOV imm 32
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