Commit cb67a832 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- fine-tuning of white space

- by default consider extra newlines in src for better formatting
- additional flags for control (-newlines, -maxnewlines, -optsemicolons)
- don't print ()'s around single anonymous result types

Status: Comparing the output of pretty with the input for larger files
shows mostly whitespace/formatting differences, which is what is desired.

- Handling of overlong lines
- some esoteric cases which look funny

parent 1e1a3c50
......@@ -16,16 +16,23 @@ import (
var (
debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, nil, "print debugging information");
// layout control
tabwidth = flag.Int("tabwidth", 8, nil, "tab width");
usetabs = flag.Bool("usetabs", true, nil, "align with tabs instead of blanks");
comments = flag.Bool("comments", true, nil, "enable printing of comments");
newlines = flag.Bool("newlines", true, nil, "respect newlines in source");
maxnewlines = flag.Int("maxnewlines", 3, nil, "max. number of consecutive newlines");
// formatting control
comments = flag.Bool("comments", true, nil, "print comments");
optsemicolons = flag.Bool("optsemicolons", false, nil, "print optional semicolons");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Printer
// Separators are printed in a delayed fashion, depending on the next token.
// Separators - printed in a delayed fashion, depending on context.
const (
none = iota;
......@@ -35,11 +42,12 @@ const (
// Formatting actions control formatting parameters during printing.
// Semantic states - control formatting.
const (
no_action = iota;
normal = iota;
opening_scope; // controls indentation, scope level
closing_scope; // controls indentation, scope level
inside_list; // controls extra line breaks
......@@ -61,9 +69,14 @@ type Printer struct {
separator int; // pending separator
newlines int; // pending newlines
// formatting action
action int; // action executed on formatting parameters
lastaction int; // action for last string
// semantic state
state int; // current semantic state
laststate int; // state for last string
func (P *Printer) HasComment(pos int) bool {
return comments.BVal() && P.cpos < pos;
......@@ -90,7 +103,7 @@ func (P *Printer) Init(writer *tabwriter.Writer, comments *array.Array) {
P.cindex = -1;
// formatting parameters & action initialized correctly by default
// formatting parameters & semantic state initialized correctly by default
......@@ -106,10 +119,10 @@ func (P *Printer) Printf(format string, s ...) {
func (P *Printer) Newline(n int) {
const maxnl = 2;
if n > 0 {
if n > maxnl {
n = maxnl;
m := int(maxnewlines.IVal());
if n > m {
n = m;
for ; n > 0; n-- {
......@@ -122,14 +135,16 @@ func (P *Printer) Newline(n int) {
func (P *Printer) String(pos int, s string) {
// correct pos if necessary
// use estimate for pos if we don't have one
if pos == 0 {
pos = P.lastpos; // estimate
pos = P.lastpos;
// --------------------------------
// print pending separator, if any
// - keep track of white space printed for better comment formatting
// TODO print white space separators after potential comments and newlines
// (currently, we may get trailing white space before a newline)
trailing_char := 0;
switch P.separator {
case none: // nothing to do
......@@ -160,7 +175,7 @@ func (P *Printer) String(pos int, s string) {
// --------------------------------
// interleave comments, if any
nlcount := 0;
for comments.BVal() && P.cpos < pos {
for ; P.HasComment(pos); P.NextComment() {
// we have a comment/newline that comes before the string
comment := P.comments.At(P.cindex).(*AST.Comment);
ctext := comment.text;
......@@ -176,7 +191,12 @@ func (P *Printer) String(pos int, s string) {
// only white space before comment on this line
// or file starts with comment
// - indent
if !newlines.BVal() && P.cpos != 0 {
nlcount = 1;
nlcount = 0;
} else {
// black space before comment on this line
if ctext[1] == '/' {
......@@ -184,7 +204,7 @@ func (P *Printer) String(pos int, s string) {
// - put in next cell unless a scope was just opened
// in which case we print 2 blanks (otherwise the
// entire scope gets indented like the next cell)
if P.lastaction == open_scope {
if P.laststate == opening_scope {
switch trailing_char {
case ' ': P.Printf(" "); // one space already printed
case '\t': // do nothing
......@@ -205,6 +225,7 @@ func (P *Printer) String(pos int, s string) {
// print comment
if debug.BVal() {
P.Printf("[%d]", P.cpos);
......@@ -216,33 +237,36 @@ func (P *Printer) String(pos int, s string) {
P.newlines = 1;
nlcount = 0;
// At this point we may have nlcount > 0: In this case we found newlines
// that were not followed by a comment. They are recognized (or not) when
// printing newlines below.
// --------------------------------
// handle extra newlines
if nlcount > 0 {
P.newlines += nlcount - 1;
// --------------------------------
// interpret control
// interpret state
// (any pending separator or comment must be printed in previous state)
switch P.action {
case none:
case open_scope:
case close_scope:
switch P.state {
case normal:
case opening_scope:
case closing_scope:
case inside_list:
// --------------------------------
// adjust formatting depending on state
// print pending newlines
if newlines.BVal() && (P.newlines > 0 || P.state == inside_list) && nlcount > P.newlines {
// Respect additional newlines in the source, but only if we
// enabled this feature (newlines.BVal()) and we are expecting
// newlines (P.newlines > 0 || P.state == inside_list).
// Otherwise - because we don't have all token positions - we
// get funny formatting.
P.newlines = nlcount;
nlcount = 0;
P.newlines = 0;
......@@ -254,20 +278,20 @@ func (P *Printer) String(pos int, s string) {
P.Printf("%s", s);
// --------------------------------
// interpret control
switch P.action {
case none:
case open_scope:
// interpret state
switch P.state {
case normal:
case opening_scope:
//P.newlines = 1;
case close_scope:
case closing_scope:
case inside_list:
P.lastaction = P.action;
P.action = none;
P.laststate = P.state;
P.state = none;
// --------------------------------
// done
......@@ -321,7 +345,7 @@ func (P *Printer) Parameters(pos int, list *array.Array) {
func (P *Printer) Fields(list *array.Array, end int) {
P.action = open_scope;
P.state = opening_scope;
P.String(0, "{");
if list != nil {
......@@ -345,7 +369,7 @@ func (P *Printer) Fields(list *array.Array, end int) {
P.newlines = 1;
P.action = close_scope;
P.state = closing_scope;
P.String(end, "}");
......@@ -394,7 +418,13 @@ func (P *Printer) Type(t *AST.Type) {
P.Parameters(t.pos, t.list);
if t.elt != nil {
P.separator = blank;
P.Parameters(0, t.elt.list);
list := t.elt.list;
if list.Len() > 1 {
P.Parameters(0, list);
} else {
// single, anonymous result type
case Scanner.ELLIPSIS:
......@@ -438,6 +468,7 @@ func (P *Printer) Expr1(x *AST.Expr, prec1 int) {
P.String(x.pos, ",");
P.separator = blank;
P.state = inside_list;
case Scanner.PERIOD:
......@@ -522,7 +553,7 @@ func (P *Printer) StatementList(list *array.Array) {
func (P *Printer) Block(pos int, list *array.Array, end int, indent bool) {
P.action = open_scope;
P.state = opening_scope;
P.String(pos, "{");
if !indent {
......@@ -531,8 +562,10 @@ func (P *Printer) Block(pos int, list *array.Array, end int, indent bool) {
if !indent {
P.separator = none;
P.action = close_scope;
if !optsemicolons.BVal() {
P.separator = none;
P.state = closing_scope;
P.String(end, "}");
......@@ -651,6 +684,8 @@ func (P *Printer) Stat(s *AST.Stat) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Declarations
// TODO This code is unreadable! Clean up AST and rewrite this.
func (P *Printer) Declaration(d *AST.Decl, parenthesized bool) {
if !parenthesized {
if d.exported {
......@@ -662,7 +697,7 @@ func (P *Printer) Declaration(d *AST.Decl, parenthesized bool) {
if d.tok != Scanner.FUNC && d.list != nil {
P.action = open_scope;
P.state = opening_scope;
P.String(0, "(");
if d.list.Len() > 0 {
P.newlines = 1;
......@@ -672,7 +707,7 @@ func (P *Printer) Declaration(d *AST.Decl, parenthesized bool) {
P.newlines = 1;
P.action = close_scope;
P.state = closing_scope;
P.String(d.end, ")");
} else {
......@@ -691,11 +726,12 @@ func (P *Printer) Declaration(d *AST.Decl, parenthesized bool) {
P.separator = blank;
P.separator = tab;
if d.val != nil {
P.String(0, "\t");
if d.tok != Scanner.IMPORT {
P.separator = tab;
P.String(0, "=");
P.separator = blank;
......@@ -4,7 +4,25 @@
package main
import Fmt "fmt"
import (
"array"; // not needed
"utf8"; // not needed
Fmt "fmt"
const /* enum */ (
EnumTag0 = iota;
type T struct {
......@@ -29,6 +47,16 @@ func f0(a, b int) int {
func f1(tag int) {
switch tag {
EnumTag0, EnumTag1, EnumTag2, EnumTag3, EnumTag4,
EnumTag5, EnumTag6, EnumTag7, EnumTag8, EnumTag9: break;
func main() {
// the prologue
for i := 0; i <= 10 /* limit */; i++ {
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