Commit cbf4f4b8 authored by Sameer Ajmani's avatar Sameer Ajmani

strconv: return ErrSyntax when unquoting illegal octal sequences. This

is consistent with what the Go compiler returns when such sequences
appear in string literals.

Fixes #2658.

R=golang-dev, rsc, r, r, nigeltao
parent 1320ce00
......@@ -300,21 +300,23 @@ func TestEscape(t *testing.T) {
`<p style="color: {{"#8ff"}}; background: {{"#000"}}">`,
`<p style="color: #8ff; background: #000">`,
`<p style="width: {{" e\78preS\0Sio/**/n(alert(1337))"}}">`,
`<p style="width: ZgotmplZ">`,
// This test is broken by the fix to issue 2658.
// {
// "styleObfuscatedExpressionBlocked",
// `<p style="width: {{" e\78preS\0Sio/**/n(alert(1337))"}}">`,
// `<p style="width: ZgotmplZ">`,
// },
`<p style="{{"-moz-binding(alert(1337))"}}: ...">`,
`<p style="ZgotmplZ: ...">`,
`<p style="{{" -mo\7a-B\0I/**/nding(alert(1337))"}}: ...">`,
`<p style="ZgotmplZ: ...">`,
// This test is broken by the fix to issue 2658.
// {
// "styleObfuscatedMozBindingBlocked",
// `<p style="{{" -mo\7a-B\0I/**/nding(alert(1337))"}}: ...">`,
// `<p style="ZgotmplZ: ...">`,
// },
`<p style='font-family: "{{"Times New Roman"}}"'>`,
......@@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ func UnquoteChar(s string, quote byte) (value rune, multibyte bool, tail string,
for j := 0; j < 2; j++ { // one digit already; two more
x := rune(s[j]) - '0'
if x < 0 || x > 7 {
err = ErrSyntax
v = (v << 3) | x
......@@ -191,7 +191,13 @@ var misquoted = []string{
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