Commit cebf55dc authored by Roger Peppe's avatar Roger Peppe Committed by Russ Cox

time: new AddDate method

parent fc6df2fd
......@@ -564,6 +564,20 @@ func (t Time) Sub(u Time) Duration {
return Duration(t.sec-u.sec)*Second + Duration(t.nsec-u.nsec)
// AddDate returns the time corresponding to adding the
// given number of years, months, and days to t.
// For example, AddDate(-1, 2, 3) applied to January 1, 2011
// returns March 4, 2010.
// AddDate normalizes its result in the same way that Date does,
// so, for example, adding one month to October 31 yields
// December 1, the normalized form for November 31.
func (t Time) AddDate(years int, months int, days int) Time {
year, month, day := t.Date()
hour, min, sec := t.Clock()
return Date(year+years, month+Month(months), day+days, hour, min, sec, int(t.nsec), t.loc)
const (
secondsPerMinute = 60
secondsPerHour = 60 * 60
......@@ -634,6 +634,32 @@ func TestDate(t *testing.T) {
// Several ways of getting from
// Fri Nov 18 7:56:35 PST 2011
// to
// Thu Mar 19 7:56:35 PST 2016
var addDateTests = []struct {
years, months, days int
{4, 4, 1},
{3, 16, 1},
{3, 15, 30},
{5, -6, -18 - 30 - 12},
func TestAddDate(t *testing.T) {
t0 := Date(2011, 11, 18, 7, 56, 35, 0, UTC)
t1 := Date(2016, 3, 19, 7, 56, 35, 0, UTC)
for _, at := range addDateTests {
time := t0.AddDate(at.years, at.months, at.days)
if !time.Equal(t1) {
t.Errorf("AddDate(%d, %d, %d) = %v, want %v",
at.years, at.months, at.days,
time, t1)
var daysInTests = []struct {
year, month, di int
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