Commit d5449eaf authored by Jeff R. Allen's avatar Jeff R. Allen Committed by Shenghou Ma

misc/benchcmp: show memory statistics, when available, dave, extraterrestrial.neighbour, rsc
parent 90d959be
......@@ -7,8 +7,13 @@ case "$1" in
echo 'usage: benchcmp old.txt new.txt' >&2
echo >&2
echo 'Each input file should be go test -test.bench=. > [old,new].txt' >&2
echo 'Each input file should be from:' >&2
echo ' go test -test.bench=. > [old,new].txt' >&2
echo >&2
echo 'Benchcmp compares the first and last for each benchmark.' >&2
echo >&2
echo 'If -test.benchmem=true is added to the "go test" command' >&2
echo 'benchcmp will also compare memory allocations.' >&2
exit 2
......@@ -27,10 +32,21 @@ $1 ~ /Benchmark/ && $4 == "ns/op" {
new[$1] = $3
if($6 == "MB/s")
newmb[$1] = $5
# allocs/op might be at $8 or $10 depending on if
# SetBytes was used or not.
if($8 == "allocs/op")
newalloc[$1] = $7
if($10 == "allocs/op")
newalloc[$1] = $9
} else {
old[$1] = $3
if($6 = "MB/s")
if($6 == "MB/s")
oldmb[$1] = $5
if($8 == "allocs/op")
oldalloc[$1] = $7
if($10 == "allocs/op")
oldalloc[$1] = $9
......@@ -62,5 +78,21 @@ END {
sprintf("%.2f", newmb[what]),
sprintf("%.2f", newmb[what]/oldmb[what]))
# print allocs
anyalloc = 0
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
what = name[i]
if(!(what in newalloc))
if(anyalloc++ == 0)
printf("\n%-*s %12s %12s %7s\n", len, "benchmark", "old allocs", "new allocs", "delta")
if(oldalloc[what] == 0)
delta=sprintf("%.2f", 100*newalloc[what]/oldalloc[what]-100)
printf("%-*s %12d %12d %6s%%\n", len, what,
oldalloc[what], newalloc[what], delta)
' "$@"
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