Commit ea0386f8 authored by Dmitry Vyukov's avatar Dmitry Vyukov

runtime: improve randomized stealing logic

During random stealing we steal 4*GOMAXPROCS times from random procs.
One would expect that most of the time we check all procs this way,
but due to low quality PRNG we actually miss procs with frightening
probability. Below are modelling experiment results for 1e6 tries:

GOMAXPROCS = 2 : missed 1 procs 7944 times

GOMAXPROCS = 3 : missed 1 procs 101620 times
GOMAXPROCS = 3 : missed 2 procs 3571 times

GOMAXPROCS = 4 : missed 1 procs 63916 times
GOMAXPROCS = 4 : missed 2 procs 61 times
GOMAXPROCS = 4 : missed 3 procs 16 times

GOMAXPROCS = 5 : missed 1 procs 133136 times
GOMAXPROCS = 5 : missed 2 procs 1025 times
GOMAXPROCS = 5 : missed 3 procs 101 times
GOMAXPROCS = 5 : missed 4 procs 15 times

GOMAXPROCS = 8 : missed 1 procs 151765 times
GOMAXPROCS = 8 : missed 2 procs 5057 times
GOMAXPROCS = 8 : missed 3 procs 1726 times
GOMAXPROCS = 8 : missed 4 procs 68 times

GOMAXPROCS = 12 : missed 1 procs 199081 times
GOMAXPROCS = 12 : missed 2 procs 27489 times
GOMAXPROCS = 12 : missed 3 procs 3113 times
GOMAXPROCS = 12 : missed 4 procs 233 times
GOMAXPROCS = 12 : missed 5 procs 9 times

GOMAXPROCS = 16 : missed 1 procs 237477 times
GOMAXPROCS = 16 : missed 2 procs 30037 times
GOMAXPROCS = 16 : missed 3 procs 9466 times
GOMAXPROCS = 16 : missed 4 procs 1334 times
GOMAXPROCS = 16 : missed 5 procs 192 times
GOMAXPROCS = 16 : missed 6 procs 5 times
GOMAXPROCS = 16 : missed 7 procs 1 times
GOMAXPROCS = 16 : missed 8 procs 1 times

A missed proc won't lead to underutilization because we check all procs
again after dropping P. But it can lead to an unpleasant situation
when we miss a proc, drop P, check all procs, discover work, acquire P,
miss the proc again, repeat.

Improve stealing logic to cover all procs.
Also don't enter spinning mode and try to steal when there is nobody around.

Change-Id: Ibb6b122cc7fb836991bad7d0639b77c807aab4c2
Reviewed-on: 's avatarRick Hudson <>
Run-TryBot: Dmitry Vyukov <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarAustin Clements <>
Reviewed-by: 's avatarMarvin Stenger <>
parent 44189299
......@@ -1787,11 +1787,12 @@ func findrunnable() (gp *g, inheritTime bool) {
// an M.
_p_ := _g_.m.p.ptr()
if sched.gcwaiting != 0 {
goto top
if _g_.m.p.ptr().runSafePointFn != 0 {
if _p_.runSafePointFn != 0 {
if fingwait && fingwake {
......@@ -1801,14 +1802,14 @@ top:
// local runq
if gp, inheritTime := runqget(_g_.m.p.ptr()); gp != nil {
if gp, inheritTime := runqget(_p_); gp != nil {
return gp, inheritTime
// global runq
if sched.runqsize != 0 {
gp := globrunqget(_g_.m.p.ptr(), 0)
gp := globrunqget(_p_, 0)
if gp != nil {
return gp, false
......@@ -1833,31 +1834,33 @@ top:
// Steal work from other P's.
procs := uint32(gomaxprocs)
if atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) == procs-1 {
// Either GOMAXPROCS=1 or everybody, except for us, is idle already.
// New work can appear from returning syscall/cgocall, network or timers.
// Neither of that submits to local run queues, so no point in stealing.
goto stop
// If number of spinning M's >= number of busy P's, block.
// This is necessary to prevent excessive CPU consumption
// when GOMAXPROCS>>1 but the program parallelism is low.
if !_g_.m.spinning && 2*atomic.Load(&sched.nmspinning) >= uint32(gomaxprocs)-atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) { // TODO: fast atomic
if !_g_.m.spinning && 2*atomic.Load(&sched.nmspinning) >= procs-atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) { // TODO: fast atomic
goto stop
if !_g_.m.spinning {
_g_.m.spinning = true
atomic.Xadd(&sched.nmspinning, 1)
// random steal from other P's
for i := 0; i < int(4*gomaxprocs); i++ {
if sched.gcwaiting != 0 {
goto top
_p_ := allp[fastrand1()%uint32(gomaxprocs)]
var gp *g
if _p_ == _g_.m.p.ptr() {
gp, _ = runqget(_p_)
} else {
stealRunNextG := i > 2*int(gomaxprocs) // first look for ready queues with more than 1 g
gp = runqsteal(_g_.m.p.ptr(), _p_, stealRunNextG)
if gp != nil {
return gp, false
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
for enum := stealOrder.start(fastrand1()); !enum.done(); {
if sched.gcwaiting != 0 {
goto top
stealRunNextG := i > 2 // first look for ready queues with more than 1 g
if gp := runqsteal(_p_, allp[enum.position()], stealRunNextG); gp != nil {
return gp, false
......@@ -1866,7 +1869,7 @@ stop:
// We have nothing to do. If we're in the GC mark phase, can
// safely scan and blacken objects, and have work to do, run
// idle-time marking rather than give up the P.
if _p_ := _g_.m.p.ptr(); gcBlackenEnabled != 0 && _p_.gcBgMarkWorker != 0 && gcMarkWorkAvailable(_p_) {
if gcBlackenEnabled != 0 && _p_.gcBgMarkWorker != 0 && gcMarkWorkAvailable(_p_) {
_p_.gcMarkWorkerMode = gcMarkWorkerIdleMode
gp := _p_.gcBgMarkWorker.ptr()
casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
......@@ -1878,16 +1881,18 @@ stop:
// return P and block
if sched.gcwaiting != 0 || _g_.m.p.ptr().runSafePointFn != 0 {
if sched.gcwaiting != 0 || _p_.runSafePointFn != 0 {
goto top
if sched.runqsize != 0 {
gp := globrunqget(_g_.m.p.ptr(), 0)
gp := globrunqget(_p_, 0)
return gp, false
_p_ := releasep()
if releasep() != _p_ {
throw("findrunnable: wrong p")
......@@ -3265,6 +3270,7 @@ func procresize(nprocs int32) *p {
runnablePs = p
var int32p *int32 = &gomaxprocs // make compiler check that gomaxprocs is an int32
atomic.Store((*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(int32p)), uint32(nprocs))
return runnablePs
......@@ -4121,3 +4127,59 @@ func sync_runtime_canSpin(i int) bool {
func sync_runtime_doSpin() {
var stealOrder randomOrder
// randomOrder/randomEnum are helper types for randomized work stealing.
// They allow to enumerate all Ps in different pseudo-random orders without repetitions.
// The algorithm is based on the fact that if we have X such that X and GOMAXPROCS
// are coprime, then a sequences of (i + X) % GOMAXPROCS gives the required enumeration.
type randomOrder struct {
count uint32
coprimes []uint32
type randomEnum struct {
i uint32
count uint32
pos uint32
inc uint32
func (ord *randomOrder) reset(count uint32) {
ord.count = count
ord.coprimes = ord.coprimes[:0]
for i := uint32(1); i <= count; i++ {
if gcd(i, count) == 1 {
ord.coprimes = append(ord.coprimes, i)
func (ord *randomOrder) start(i uint32) randomEnum {
return randomEnum{
count: ord.count,
pos: i % ord.count,
inc: ord.coprimes[i%uint32(len(ord.coprimes))],
func (enum *randomEnum) done() bool {
return enum.i == enum.count
func (enum *randomEnum) next() {
enum.pos = (enum.pos + % enum.count
func (enum *randomEnum) position() uint32 {
return enum.pos
func gcd(a, b uint32) uint32 {
for b != 0 {
a, b = b, a%b
return a
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Proc unit tests. In runtime package so can use runtime guts.
package runtime
func RunStealOrderTest() {
var ord randomOrder
for procs := 1; procs <= 64; procs++ {
if procs >= 3 && len(ord.coprimes) < 2 {
panic("too few coprimes")
for co := 0; co < len(ord.coprimes); co++ {
enum := ord.start(uint32(co))
checked := make([]bool, procs)
for p := 0; p < procs; p++ {
x := enum.position()
if checked[x] {
println("procs:", procs, "inc:",
panic("duplicate during enumeration")
checked[x] = true
if !enum.done() {
panic("not done")
......@@ -689,3 +689,7 @@ func matmult(done chan<- struct{}, A, B, C Matrix, i0, i1, j0, j1, k0, k1, thres
done <- struct{}{}
func TestStealOrder(t *testing.T) {
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