Commit f542576b authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

cmd/compile: add compiler phase timing

Timings is a simple data structure that collects times of labeled
Start/Stop events describing timed phases, which later can be written
to a file.

Adjacent phases with common label prefix are automatically collected
in a group together with the accumulated phase time.

Timing data can be appended to a file in benchmark data format
using the new -bench flag:

$ go build -gcflags="-bench=/dev/stdout" -o /dev/null go/types
commit: devel +8847c6b Mon Aug 15 17:51:53 2016 -0700
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:init              1       663292 ns/op      0.07 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:loadsys           1      1337371 ns/op      0.14 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:parse             1     47008869 ns/op      4.91 %    10824 lines    230254 lines/s
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:typecheck:top1    1      2843343 ns/op      0.30 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:typecheck:top2    1       447457 ns/op      0.05 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:typecheck:func    1     15119595 ns/op      1.58 %      427 funcs     28241 funcs/s
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:capturevars       1        56314 ns/op      0.01 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:inlining          1      9805767 ns/op      1.02 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:escapes           1     53598646 ns/op      5.60 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:xclosures         1       199302 ns/op      0.02 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:fe:subtotal          1    131079956 ns/op     13.70 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:be:compilefuncs      1    692009428 ns/op     72.33 %      427 funcs       617 funcs/s
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:be:externaldcls      1        54591 ns/op      0.01 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:be:dumpobj           1    133478173 ns/op     13.95 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:be:subtotal          1    825542192 ns/op     86.29 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:unaccounted          1       106101 ns/op      0.01 %
BenchmarkCompile:go/types:total                1    956728249 ns/op    100.00 %

For #16169.

Change-Id: I93265fe0cb08e47cd413608d0824c5dd35ba7899
Reviewed-on: 's avatarMatthew Dempsky <>
parent 289df4e6
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ package gc
import (
......@@ -96,7 +97,13 @@ func supportsDynlink(arch *sys.Arch) bool {
return arch.InFamily(sys.AMD64, sys.ARM, sys.ARM64, sys.I386, sys.PPC64, sys.S390X)
// timing data for compiler phases
var timings Timings
var benchfile string
func Main() {
timings.Start("fe", "init")
defer hidePanic()
goarch = obj.Getgoarch()
......@@ -208,6 +215,7 @@ func Main() {
flag.StringVar(&memprofile, "memprofile", "", "write memory profile to `file`")
flag.Int64Var(&memprofilerate, "memprofilerate", 0, "set runtime.MemProfileRate to `rate`")
flag.BoolVar(&ssaEnabled, "ssa", true, "use SSA backend to generate code")
flag.StringVar(&benchfile, "bench", "", "append benchmark times to `file`")
Ctxt.Flag_shared = flag_dynlink || flag_shared
......@@ -302,8 +310,11 @@ func Main() {
nerrors = 0
lexlineno = 1
timings.Start("fe", "loadsys")
timings.Start("fe", "parse")
lexlineno0 := lexlineno
for _, infile = range flag.Args() {
if trace && Debug['x'] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("--- %s ---\n", infile)
......@@ -341,6 +352,8 @@ func Main() {
timings.AddEvent(int64(lexlineno-lexlineno0), "lines")
mkpackage(localpkg.Name) // final import not used checks
......@@ -359,6 +372,7 @@ func Main() {
// Don't use range--typecheck can add closures to xtop.
timings.Start("fe", "typecheck", "top1")
for i := 0; i < len(xtop); i++ {
if xtop[i].Op != ODCL && xtop[i].Op != OAS && xtop[i].Op != OAS2 {
xtop[i] = typecheck(xtop[i], Etop)
......@@ -369,6 +383,7 @@ func Main() {
// To check interface assignments, depends on phase 1.
// Don't use range--typecheck can add closures to xtop.
timings.Start("fe", "typecheck", "top2")
for i := 0; i < len(xtop); i++ {
if xtop[i].Op == ODCL || xtop[i].Op == OAS || xtop[i].Op == OAS2 {
xtop[i] = typecheck(xtop[i], Etop)
......@@ -378,6 +393,8 @@ func Main() {
// Phase 3: Type check function bodies.
// Don't use range--typecheck can add closures to xtop.
timings.Start("fe", "typecheck", "func")
var fcount int64
for i := 0; i < len(xtop); i++ {
if xtop[i].Op == ODCLFUNC || xtop[i].Op == OCLOSURE {
Curfn = xtop[i]
......@@ -388,12 +405,15 @@ func Main() {
if nerrors != 0 {
Curfn.Nbody.Set(nil) // type errors; do not compile
timings.AddEvent(fcount, "funcs")
// Phase 4: Decide how to capture closed variables.
// This needs to run before escape analysis,
// because variables captured by value do not escape.
timings.Start("fe", "capturevars")
for _, n := range xtop {
if n.Op == ODCLFUNC && n.Func.Closure != nil {
Curfn = n
......@@ -408,6 +428,7 @@ func Main() {
// Phase 5: Inlining
timings.Start("fe", "inlining")
if Debug['l'] > 1 {
// Typecheck imported function bodies if debug['l'] > 1,
// otherwise lazily when used or re-exported.
......@@ -443,11 +464,13 @@ func Main() {
// or else the stack copier will not update it.
// Large values are also moved off stack in escape analysis;
// because large values may contain pointers, it must happen early.
timings.Start("fe", "escapes")
// Phase 7: Transform closure bodies to properly reference captured variables.
// This needs to happen before walk, because closures must be transformed
// before walk reaches a call of a closure.
timings.Start("fe", "xclosures")
for _, n := range xtop {
if n.Op == ODCLFUNC && n.Func.Closure != nil {
Curfn = n
......@@ -459,11 +482,15 @@ func Main() {
// Phase 8: Compile top level functions.
// Don't use range--walk can add functions to xtop.
timings.Start("be", "compilefuncs")
fcount = 0
for i := 0; i < len(xtop); i++ {
if xtop[i].Op == ODCLFUNC {
timings.AddEvent(fcount, "funcs")
if nsavederrors+nerrors == 0 {
......@@ -474,6 +501,7 @@ func Main() {
// Phase 9: Check external declarations.
timings.Start("be", "externaldcls")
for i, n := range externdcl {
if n.Op == ONAME {
externdcl[i] = typecheck(externdcl[i], Erv)
......@@ -484,8 +512,8 @@ func Main() {
timings.Start("be", "dumpobj")
if asmhdr != "" {
......@@ -495,6 +523,36 @@ func Main() {
if benchfile != "" {
if err := writebench(benchfile); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot write benchmark data: %v", err)
func writebench(filename string) error {
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "commit:", obj.Getgoversion())
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "goos:", runtime.GOOS)
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "goarch:", runtime.GOARCH)
timings.Write(&buf, "BenchmarkCompile:"+myimportpath+":")
n, err := f.Write(buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return err
if n != buf.Len() {
panic("bad writer")
return f.Close()
var importMap = map[string]string{}
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
// Timings collects the execution times of labeled phases
// which are added trough a sequence of Start/Stop calls.
// Events may be associated with each phase via AddEvent.
type Timings struct {
list []timestamp
events map[int][]*event // lazily allocated
type timestamp struct {
time time.Time
label string
start bool
type event struct {
size int64 // count or amount of data processed (allocations, data size, lines, funcs, ...)
unit string // unit of size measure (count, MB, lines, funcs, ...)
func (t *Timings) append(labels []string, start bool) {
t.list = append(t.list, timestamp{time.Now(), strings.Join(labels, ":"), start})
// Start marks the beginning of a new phase and implicitly stops the previous phase.
// The phase name is the colon-separated concatenation of the labels.
func (t *Timings) Start(labels ...string) {
t.append(labels, true)
// Stop marks the end of a phase and implicitly starts a new phase.
// The labels are added to the labels of the ended phase.
func (t *Timings) Stop(labels ...string) {
t.append(labels, false)
// AddEvent associates an event, i.e., a count, or an amount of data,
// with the most recently started or stopped phase; or the very first
// phase if Start or Stop hasn't been called yet. The unit specifies
// the unit of measurement (e.g., MB, lines, no. of funcs, etc.).
func (t *Timings) AddEvent(size int64, unit string) {
m :=
if m == nil {
m = make(map[int][]*event) = m
i := len(t.list)
if i > 0 {
m[i] = append(m[i], &event{size, unit})
// Write prints the phase times to w.
// The prefix is printed at the start of each line.
func (t *Timings) Write(w io.Writer, prefix string) {
if len(t.list) > 0 {
var lines lines
// group of phases with shared non-empty label prefix
var group struct {
label string // label prefix
tot time.Duration // accumulated phase time
size int // number of phases collected in group
// accumulated time between Stop/Start timestamps
var unaccounted time.Duration
// process Start/Stop timestamps
pt := &t.list[0] // previous timestamp
tot := t.list[len(t.list)-1].time.Sub(pt.time)
for i := 1; i < len(t.list); i++ {
qt := &t.list[i] // current timestamp
dt := qt.time.Sub(pt.time)
var label string
var events []*event
if pt.start {
// previous phase started
label = pt.label
events =[i-1]
if qt.start {
// start implicitly ended previous phase; nothing to do
} else {
// stop ended previous phase; append stop labels, if any
if qt.label != "" {
label += ":" + qt.label
// events associated with stop replace prior events
if e :=[i]; e != nil {
events = e
} else {
// previous phase stopped
if qt.start {
// between a stopped and started phase; unaccounted time
unaccounted += dt
} else {
// previous stop implicitly started current phase
label = qt.label
events =[i]
if label != "" {
// add phase to existing group, or start a new group
l := commonPrefix(group.label, label)
if group.size == 1 && l != "" || group.size > 1 && l == group.label {
// add to existing group
group.label = l
group.tot += dt
} else {
// start a new group
if group.size > 1 {
lines.add(prefix+group.label+"subtotal", 1, group.tot, tot, nil)
group.label = label
group.tot = dt
group.size = 1
// write phase
lines.add(prefix+label, 1, dt, tot, events)
pt = qt
if group.size > 1 {
lines.add(prefix+group.label+"subtotal", 1, group.tot, tot, nil)
if unaccounted != 0 {
lines.add(prefix+"unaccounted", 1, unaccounted, tot, nil)
lines.add(prefix+"total", 1, tot, tot, nil)
func commonPrefix(a, b string) string {
i := 0
for i < len(a) && i < len(b) && a[i] == b[i] {
return a[:i]
type lines [][]string
func (lines *lines) add(label string, n int, dt, tot time.Duration, events []*event) {
var line []string
add := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
line = append(line, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
add("%s", label)
add(" %d", n)
add(" %d ns/op", dt)
add(" %.2f %%", float64(dt)/float64(tot)*100)
for _, e := range events {
add(" %d", e.size)
add(" %s", e.unit)
add(" %d", int64(float64(e.size)/dt.Seconds()+0.5))
add(" %s/s", e.unit)
*lines = append(*lines, line)
func (lines lines) write(w io.Writer) {
// determine column widths and contents
var widths []int
var number []bool
for _, line := range lines {
for i, col := range line {
if i < len(widths) {
if len(col) > widths[i] {
widths[i] = len(col)
} else {
widths = append(widths, len(col))
number = append(number, isnumber(col)) // first line determines column contents
// make column widths a multiple of align for more stable output
const align = 1 // set to a value > 1 to enable
if align > 1 {
for i, w := range widths {
w += align - 1
widths[i] = w - w%align
// print lines taking column widths and contents into account
for _, line := range lines {
for i, col := range line {
format := "%-*s"
if number[i] {
format = "%*s" // numbers are right-aligned
fmt.Fprintf(w, format, widths[i], col)
func isnumber(s string) bool {
for _, ch := range s {
if ch <= ' ' {
continue // ignore leading whitespace
return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' || ch == '.' || ch == '-' || ch == '+'
return false
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