Commit f9f0184e authored by Fumitoshi Ukai's avatar Fumitoshi Ukai Committed by Russ Cox

Add WebSocket server framework hooked into http.

R=r, rsc
parent 6e6125ff
......@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ DIRS=\
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.$(GOARCH)
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.pkg
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package websocket
import (
type ProtocolError struct {
var (
ErrBadStatus = &ProtocolError{"bad status"};
ErrNoUpgrade = &ProtocolError{"no upgrade"};
ErrBadUpgrade = &ProtocolError{"bad upgrade"};
ErrNoWebSocketOrigin = &ProtocolError{"no WebSocket-Origin"};
ErrBadWebSocketOrigin = &ProtocolError{"bad WebSocket-Origin"};
ErrNoWebSocketLocation = &ProtocolError{"no WebSocket-Location"};
ErrBadWebSocketLocation = &ProtocolError{"bad WebSocket-Location"};
ErrNoWebSocketProtocol = &ProtocolError{"no WebSocket-Protocol"};
ErrBadWebSocketProtocol = &ProtocolError{"bad WebSocket-Protocol"};
// newClient creates a new Web Socket client connection.
func newClient(resourceName, host, origin, location, protocol string, rwc io.ReadWriteCloser) (ws *Conn, err os.Error) {
br := bufio.NewReader(rwc);
bw := bufio.NewWriter(rwc);
err = handshake(resourceName, host, origin, location, protocol, br, bw);
if err != nil {
buf := bufio.NewReadWriter(br, bw);
ws = newConn(origin, location, protocol, buf, rwc);
// Dial opens new Web Socket client connection.
// A trivial example client is:
// package main
// import (
// "websocket"
// "strings"
// )
// func main() {
// ws, err := websocket.Dial("ws://localhost/ws", "", "http://localhost/");
// if err != nil {
// panic("Dial: ", err.String())
// }
// if _, err := ws.Write(strings.Bytes("hello, world!\n")); err != nil {
// panic("Write: ", err.String())
// }
// var msg = make([]byte, 512);
// if n, err := ws.Read(msg); err != nil {
// panic("Read: ", err.String())
// }
// // msg[0:n]
// }
func Dial(url, protocol, origin string) (ws *Conn, err os.Error) {
parsedUrl, err := http.ParseURL(url);
if err != nil {
client, err := net.Dial("tcp", "", parsedUrl.Host);
if err != nil {
return newClient(parsedUrl.Path, parsedUrl.Host, origin, url, protocol, client);
func handshake(resourceName, host, origin, location, protocol string, br *bufio.Reader, bw *bufio.Writer) (err os.Error) {
bw.WriteString("GET " + resourceName + " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
bw.WriteString("Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n");
bw.WriteString("Connection: Upgrade\r\n");
bw.WriteString("Host: " + host + "\r\n");
bw.WriteString("Origin: " + origin + "\r\n");
if protocol != "" {
bw.WriteString("WebSocket-Protocol: " + protocol + "\r\n")
resp, err := http.ReadResponse(br);
if err != nil {
if resp.Status != "101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake" {
return ErrBadStatus
upgrade, found := resp.Header["Upgrade"];
if !found {
return ErrNoUpgrade
if upgrade != "WebSocket" {
return ErrBadUpgrade
connection, found := resp.Header["Connection"];
if !found || connection != "Upgrade" {
return ErrBadUpgrade
ws_origin, found := resp.Header["Websocket-Origin"];
if !found {
return ErrNoWebSocketOrigin
if ws_origin != origin {
return ErrBadWebSocketOrigin
ws_location, found := resp.Header["Websocket-Location"];
if !found {
return ErrNoWebSocketLocation
if ws_location != location {
return ErrBadWebSocketLocation
if protocol != "" {
ws_protocol, found := resp.Header["Websocket-Protocol"];
if !found {
return ErrNoWebSocketProtocol
if ws_protocol != protocol {
return ErrBadWebSocketProtocol
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package websocket
import (
// Handler is a interface that use a WebSocket.
// A trivial example server is:
// package main
// import (
// "http"
// "io"
// "websocket"
// )
// // echo back the websocket.
// func EchoServer(ws *websocket.Conn) {
// io.Copy(ws, ws);
// }
// func main() {
// http.Handle("/echo", websocket.Handler(EchoServer));
// err := http.ListenAndServe(":12345", nil);
// if err != nil {
// panic("ListenAndServe: ", err.String())
// }
// }
type Handler func(*Conn)
func (f Handler) ServeHTTP(c *http.Conn, req *http.Request) {
if req.Method != "GET" || req.Proto != "HTTP/1.1" ||
req.Header["Upgrade"] != "WebSocket" ||
req.Header["Connection"] != "Upgrade" {
io.WriteString(c, "must use websocket to connect here");
rwc, buf, err := c.Hijack();
if err != nil {
panic("Hijack failed: ", err.String());
defer rwc.Close();
origin := req.Header["Origin"];
location := "ws://" + req.Host + req.URL.Path;
// TODO(ukai): verify origin,location,protocol.
buf.WriteString("HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake\r\n");
buf.WriteString("Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n");
buf.WriteString("Connection: Upgrade\r\n");
buf.WriteString("WebSocket-Origin: " + origin + "\r\n");
buf.WriteString("WebSocket-Location: " + location + "\r\n");
protocol := "";
// canonical header key of WebSocket-Protocol.
if protocol, found := req.Header["Websocket-Protocol"]; found {
buf.WriteString("WebSocket-Protocol: " + protocol + "\r\n")
if err := buf.Flush(); err != nil {
ws := newConn(origin, location, protocol, buf, rwc);
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The websocket package implements Web Socket protocol server.
package websocket
// References:
// The Web Socket protocol:
// TODO(ukai):
// better logging.
import (
type WebSocketAddr string
func (addr WebSocketAddr) Network() string { return "websocket" }
func (addr WebSocketAddr) String() string { return string(addr) }
// Conn is an channels to communicate over Web Socket.
type Conn struct {
// An origin URI of the Web Socket.
Origin string;
// A location URI of the Web Socket.
Location string;
// A subprotocol of the Web Socket.
Protocol string;
buf *bufio.ReadWriter;
rwc io.ReadWriteCloser;
// newConn creates a new Web Socket.
func newConn(origin, location, protocol string, buf *bufio.ReadWriter, rwc io.ReadWriteCloser) *Conn {
if buf == nil {
br := bufio.NewReader(rwc);
bw := bufio.NewWriter(rwc);
buf = bufio.NewReadWriter(br, bw);
ws := &Conn{origin, location, protocol, buf, rwc};
return ws;
func (ws *Conn) Read(msg []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
for {
frameByte, err := ws.buf.ReadByte();
if err != nil {
if (frameByte & 0x80) == 0x80 {
length := 0;
for {
c, err := ws.buf.ReadByte();
if err != nil {
if (c & 0x80) == 0x80 {
length = length*128 + int(c&0x7f)
} else {
for length > 0 {
_, err := ws.buf.ReadByte();
if err != nil {
} else {
for {
c, err := ws.buf.ReadByte();
if err != nil {
if c == '\xff' {
if frameByte == 0 {
if n+1 <= cap(msg) {
msg = msg[0 : n+1]
msg[n] = c;
if n >= cap(msg) {
err = os.E2BIG;
func (ws *Conn) Write(msg []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
err = ws.buf.Flush();
return len(msg), err;
func (ws *Conn) Close() os.Error { return ws.rwc.Close() }
func (ws *Conn) LocalAddr() net.Addr { return WebSocketAddr(ws.Origin) }
func (ws *Conn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr { return WebSocketAddr(ws.Location) }
func (ws *Conn) SetTimeout(nsec int64) os.Error {
if conn, ok := ws.rwc.(net.Conn); ok {
return conn.SetTimeout(nsec)
return os.EINVAL;
func (ws *Conn) SetReadTimeout(nsec int64) os.Error {
if conn, ok := ws.rwc.(net.Conn); ok {
return conn.SetReadTimeout(nsec)
return os.EINVAL;
func (ws *Conn) SetWriteTimeout(nsec int64) os.Error {
if conn, ok := ws.rwc.(net.Conn); ok {
return conn.SetWriteTimeout(nsec)
return os.EINVAL;
var _ net.Conn = (*Conn)(nil) // compile-time check that *Conn implements net.Conn.
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package websocket
import (
var serverAddr string
func echoServer(ws *Conn) { io.Copy(ws, ws) }
func startServer() {
l, e := net.Listen("tcp", ":0"); // any available address
if e != nil {
log.Exitf("net.Listen tcp :0 %v", e)
serverAddr = l.Addr().String();
log.Stderr("Test WebSocket server listening on ", serverAddr);
http.Handle("/echo", Handler(echoServer));
go http.Serve(l, nil);
func TestEcho(t *testing.T) {
client, err := net.Dial("tcp", "", serverAddr);
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("dialing", err)
ws, err := newClient("/echo", "localhost", "http://localhost",
"ws://localhost/echo", "", client);
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("WebSocket handshake error", err);
msg := strings.Bytes("hello, world\n");
if _, err := ws.Write(msg); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Write: error %v", err)
var actual_msg = make([]byte, 512);
n, err := ws.Read(actual_msg);
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Read: error %v", err)
actual_msg = actual_msg[0:n];
if !bytes.Equal(msg, actual_msg) {
t.Errorf("Echo: expected %q got %q", msg, actual_msg)
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