• Russ Cox's avatar
    cmd/internal/gc: optimize slice + write barrier · d4472799
    Russ Cox authored
    The code generated for a slice x[i:j] or x[i:j:k] computes the entire
    new slice (base, len, cap) and then uses it as the evaluation of the
    slice expression.
    If the slice is part of an update x = x[i:j] or x = x[i:j:k], there are
    opportunities to avoid computing some of these fields.
    For x = x[0:i], we know that only the len is changing;
    base can be ignored completely, and cap can be left unmodified.
    For x = x[0:i:j], we know that only len and cap are changing;
    base can be ignored completely.
    For x = x[i:i], we know that the resulting cap is zero, and we don't
    adjust the base during a slice producing a zero-cap result,
    so again base can be ignored completely.
    No write to base, no write barrier.
    The old slice code was trying to work at a Go syntax level, mainly
    because that was how you wrote code just once instead of once
    per architecture. Now the compiler is factored a bit better and we
    can implement slice during code generation but still have one copy
    of the code. So the new code is working at that lower level.
    (It must, to update only parts of the result.)
    This CL by itself:
    name                   old mean              new mean              delta
    BinaryTree17            5.81s × (0.98,1.03)   5.71s × (0.96,1.05)     ~    (p=0.101)
    Fannkuch11              4.35s × (1.00,1.00)   4.39s × (1.00,1.00)   +0.79% (p=0.000)
    FmtFprintfEmpty        86.0ns × (0.94,1.11)  82.6ns × (0.98,1.04)   -3.86% (p=0.048)
    FmtFprintfString        276ns × (0.98,1.04)   273ns × (0.98,1.02)     ~    (p=0.235)
    FmtFprintfInt           274ns × (0.98,1.06)   270ns × (0.99,1.01)     ~    (p=0.119)
    FmtFprintfIntInt        506ns × (0.99,1.01)   475ns × (0.99,1.01)   -6.02% (p=0.000)
    FmtFprintfPrefixedInt   391ns × (0.99,1.01)   393ns × (1.00,1.01)     ~    (p=0.139)
    FmtFprintfFloat         566ns × (0.99,1.01)   574ns × (1.00,1.01)   +1.33% (p=0.001)
    FmtManyArgs            1.91µs × (0.99,1.01)  1.87µs × (0.99,1.02)   -1.83% (p=0.000)
    GobDecode              15.3ms × (0.99,1.02)  15.0ms × (0.98,1.05)   -1.84% (p=0.042)
    GobEncode              11.5ms × (0.97,1.03)  11.4ms × (0.99,1.03)     ~    (p=0.152)
    Gzip                    645ms × (0.99,1.01)   647ms × (0.99,1.01)     ~    (p=0.265)
    Gunzip                  142ms × (1.00,1.00)   143ms × (1.00,1.01)   +0.90% (p=0.000)
    HTTPClientServer       90.5µs × (0.97,1.04)  88.5µs × (0.99,1.03)   -2.27% (p=0.014)
    JSONEncode             32.0ms × (0.98,1.03)  29.6ms × (0.98,1.01)   -7.51% (p=0.000)
    JSONDecode              114ms × (0.99,1.01)   104ms × (1.00,1.01)   -8.60% (p=0.000)
    Mandelbrot200          6.04ms × (1.00,1.01)  6.02ms × (1.00,1.00)     ~    (p=0.057)
    GoParse                6.47ms × (0.97,1.05)  6.37ms × (0.97,1.04)     ~    (p=0.105)
    RegexpMatchEasy0_32     171ns × (0.93,1.07)   152ns × (0.99,1.01)  -11.09% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchEasy0_1K     550ns × (0.98,1.01)   530ns × (1.00,1.00)   -3.78% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchEasy1_32     135ns × (0.99,1.02)   134ns × (0.99,1.01)   -1.33% (p=0.002)
    RegexpMatchEasy1_1K     879ns × (1.00,1.01)   865ns × (1.00,1.00)   -1.58% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchMedium_32    243ns × (1.00,1.00)   233ns × (1.00,1.00)   -4.30% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchMedium_1K   70.3µs × (1.00,1.00)  69.5µs × (1.00,1.00)   -1.13% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchHard_32     3.82µs × (1.00,1.01)  3.74µs × (1.00,1.00)   -1.95% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchHard_1K      117µs × (1.00,1.00)   115µs × (1.00,1.00)   -1.69% (p=0.000)
    Revcomp                 917ms × (0.97,1.04)   920ms × (0.97,1.04)     ~    (p=0.786)
    Template                114ms × (0.99,1.01)   117ms × (0.99,1.01)   +2.58% (p=0.000)
    TimeParse               622ns × (0.99,1.01)   615ns × (0.99,1.00)   -1.06% (p=0.000)
    TimeFormat              665ns × (0.99,1.01)   654ns × (0.99,1.00)   -1.70% (p=0.000)
    This CL and previous CL (append) combined:
    name                   old mean              new mean              delta
    BinaryTree17            5.68s × (0.97,1.04)   5.71s × (0.96,1.05)     ~    (p=0.638)
    Fannkuch11              4.41s × (0.98,1.03)   4.39s × (1.00,1.00)     ~    (p=0.474)
    FmtFprintfEmpty        92.7ns × (0.91,1.16)  82.6ns × (0.98,1.04)  -10.89% (p=0.004)
    FmtFprintfString        281ns × (0.96,1.08)   273ns × (0.98,1.02)     ~    (p=0.078)
    FmtFprintfInt           288ns × (0.97,1.06)   270ns × (0.99,1.01)   -6.37% (p=0.000)
    FmtFprintfIntInt        493ns × (0.97,1.04)   475ns × (0.99,1.01)   -3.53% (p=0.002)
    FmtFprintfPrefixedInt   423ns × (0.97,1.04)   393ns × (1.00,1.01)   -7.07% (p=0.000)
    FmtFprintfFloat         598ns × (0.99,1.01)   574ns × (1.00,1.01)   -4.02% (p=0.000)
    FmtManyArgs            1.89µs × (0.98,1.05)  1.87µs × (0.99,1.02)     ~    (p=0.305)
    GobDecode              14.8ms × (0.98,1.03)  15.0ms × (0.98,1.05)     ~    (p=0.237)
    GobEncode              12.3ms × (0.98,1.01)  11.4ms × (0.99,1.03)   -6.95% (p=0.000)
    Gzip                    656ms × (0.99,1.05)   647ms × (0.99,1.01)     ~    (p=0.101)
    Gunzip                  142ms × (1.00,1.00)   143ms × (1.00,1.01)   +0.58% (p=0.001)
    HTTPClientServer       91.2µs × (0.97,1.04)  88.5µs × (0.99,1.03)   -3.02% (p=0.003)
    JSONEncode             32.6ms × (0.97,1.08)  29.6ms × (0.98,1.01)   -9.10% (p=0.000)
    JSONDecode              114ms × (0.97,1.05)   104ms × (1.00,1.01)   -8.74% (p=0.000)
    Mandelbrot200          6.11ms × (0.98,1.04)  6.02ms × (1.00,1.00)     ~    (p=0.090)
    GoParse                6.66ms × (0.97,1.04)  6.37ms × (0.97,1.04)   -4.41% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchEasy0_32     159ns × (0.99,1.00)   152ns × (0.99,1.01)   -4.69% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchEasy0_1K     538ns × (1.00,1.01)   530ns × (1.00,1.00)   -1.57% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchEasy1_32     138ns × (1.00,1.00)   134ns × (0.99,1.01)   -2.91% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchEasy1_1K     869ns × (0.99,1.01)   865ns × (1.00,1.00)   -0.51% (p=0.012)
    RegexpMatchMedium_32    252ns × (0.99,1.01)   233ns × (1.00,1.00)   -7.85% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchMedium_1K   72.7µs × (1.00,1.00)  69.5µs × (1.00,1.00)   -4.43% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchHard_32     3.85µs × (1.00,1.00)  3.74µs × (1.00,1.00)   -2.74% (p=0.000)
    RegexpMatchHard_1K      118µs × (1.00,1.00)   115µs × (1.00,1.00)   -2.24% (p=0.000)
    Revcomp                 920ms × (0.97,1.07)   920ms × (0.97,1.04)     ~    (p=0.998)
    Template                129ms × (0.98,1.03)   117ms × (0.99,1.01)   -9.79% (p=0.000)
    TimeParse               619ns × (0.99,1.01)   615ns × (0.99,1.00)   -0.57% (p=0.011)
    TimeFormat              661ns × (0.98,1.04)   654ns × (0.99,1.00)     ~    (p=0.223)
    Change-Id: If054d81ab2c71d8d62cf54b5b1fac2af66b387fc
    Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/9813Reviewed-by: 's avatarDavid Chase <drchase@google.com>
    Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <rsc@golang.org>
    TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <gobot@golang.org>
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