Commit 098df8b1 authored by Sam Leavens's avatar Sam Leavens

ref(pkg/chartutil): improve comment spacing

Reduce comment spacing to single tab.
parent f7ca52df
......@@ -392,9 +392,9 @@ func istable(v interface{}) bool {
// The path starts at the root of the YAML structure and is comprised of YAML keys separated by periods.
// Given the following YAML data the value at path "" is "Loomings".
// chapter:
// one:
// title: "Loomings"
// chapter:
// one:
// title: "Loomings"
func (v Values) PathValue(ypath string) (interface{}, error) {
if len(ypath) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("YAML path string cannot be zero length")
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