--tls-cert string path to TLS certificate file (default "$HELM_HOME/cert.pem")
--tls-key string path to TLS key file (default "$HELM_HOME/key.pem")
--tls-verify enable TLS for request and verify remote
-f, --values valueFiles specify values in a YAML file (can specify multiple) (default [])
-f, --values valueFiles specify values in a YAML file or a URL(can specify multiple) (default [])
--verify verify the package before installing it
--version string specify the exact chart version to install. If this is not specified, the latest version is installed
--wait if set, will wait until all Pods, PVCs, Services, and minimum number of Pods of a Deployment are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as --timeout
--tls-cert string path to TLS certificate file (default "$HELM_HOME/cert.pem")
--tls-key string path to TLS key file (default "$HELM_HOME/key.pem")
--tls-verify enable TLS for request and verify remote
-f, --values valueFiles specify values in a YAML file (can specify multiple) (default [])
-f, --values valueFiles specify values in a YAML file or a URL(can specify multiple) (default [])
--verify verify the provenance of the chart before upgrading
--version string specify the exact chart version to use. If this is not specified, the latest version is used
--wait if set, will wait until all Pods, PVCs, Services, and minimum number of Pods of a Deployment are in a ready state before marking the release as successful. It will wait for as long as --timeout