Commit 6c9a33b5 authored by Michael Munday's avatar Michael Munday

cpu: add CPU features for s390x

Add basic support for IBM Z (s390x) CPU feature (known as
'facilities') detection.

Note that some of these features are mandatory when using the Go
compiler (for example, ldisp and eimm) but aren't mandatory when
using gccgo.

Cryptographic function detection is not yet implemented for

Change-Id: Ic6494d0df0bc1c1ad1713c9ff11ae23fba03d215
Reviewed-on: 's avatarTobias Klauser <>
Run-TryBot: Tobias Klauser <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
parent 92a0ff1e
......@@ -94,3 +94,33 @@ var PPC64 struct {
IsPOWER9 bool // ISA v3.00 (POWER9)
_ CacheLinePad
// S390X contains the supported CPU features of the current IBM Z
// (s390x) platform. If the current platform is not IBM Z then all
// feature flags are false.
// S390X is padded to avoid false sharing. Further HasVX is only set
// if the OS supports vector registers in addition to the STFLE
// feature bit being set.
var S390X struct {
_ CacheLinePad
HasZARCH bool // z/Architecture mode is active [mandatory]
HasSTFLE bool // store facility list extended
HasLDISP bool // long (20-bit) displacements
HasEIMM bool // 32-bit immediates
HasDFP bool // decimal floating point
HasETF3EH bool // ETF-3 enhanced
HasMSA bool // message security assist (CPACF)
HasAES bool // KM-AES{128,192,256} functions
HasAESCBC bool // KMC-AES{128,192,256} functions
HasAESCTR bool // KMCTR-AES{128,192,256} functions
HasAESGCM bool // KMA-GCM-AES{128,192,256} functions
HasGHASH bool // KIMD-GHASH function
HasSHA1 bool // K{I,L}MD-SHA-1 functions
HasSHA256 bool // K{I,L}MD-SHA-256 functions
HasSHA512 bool // K{I,L}MD-SHA-512 functions
HasSHA3 bool // K{I,L}MD-SHA3-{224,256,384,512} and K{I,L}MD-SHAKE-{128,256} functions
HasVX bool // vector facility
HasVXE bool // vector-enhancements facility 1
_ CacheLinePad
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !gccgo
package cpu
// haveAsmFunctions reports whether the other functions in this file can
// be safely called.
func haveAsmFunctions() bool { return true }
// The following feature detection functions are defined in cpu_s390x.s.
// They are likely to be expensive to call so the results should be cached.
func stfle() facilityList
func kmQuery() queryResult
func kmcQuery() queryResult
func kmctrQuery() queryResult
func kmaQuery() queryResult
func kimdQuery() queryResult
func klmdQuery() queryResult
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build gccgo
package cpu
// haveAsmFunctions reports whether the other functions in this file can
// be safely called.
func haveAsmFunctions() bool { return false }
// TODO(mundaym): the following feature detection functions are currently
// stubs. See for how to fix this.
// They are likely to be expensive to call so the results should be cached.
func stfle() facilityList { panic("not implemented for gccgo") }
func kmQuery() queryResult { panic("not implemented for gccgo") }
func kmcQuery() queryResult { panic("not implemented for gccgo") }
func kmctrQuery() queryResult { panic("not implemented for gccgo") }
func kmaQuery() queryResult { panic("not implemented for gccgo") }
func kimdQuery() queryResult { panic("not implemented for gccgo") }
func klmdQuery() queryResult { panic("not implemented for gccgo") }
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cpu
const cacheLineSize = 256
const (
// bit mask values from /usr/include/bits/hwcap.h
hwcap_ZARCH = 2
hwcap_STFLE = 4
hwcap_MSA = 8
hwcap_LDISP = 16
hwcap_EIMM = 32
hwcap_DFP = 64
hwcap_ETF3EH = 256
hwcap_VX = 2048
hwcap_VXE = 8192
// bitIsSet reports whether the bit at index is set. The bit index
// is in big endian order, so bit index 0 is the leftmost bit.
func bitIsSet(bits []uint64, index uint) bool {
return bits[index/64]&((1<<63)>>(index%64)) != 0
// function is the code for the named cryptographic function.
type function uint8
const (
// KM{,A,C,CTR} function codes
aes128 function = 18 // AES-128
aes192 function = 19 // AES-192
aes256 function = 20 // AES-256
// K{I,L}MD function codes
sha1 function = 1 // SHA-1
sha256 function = 2 // SHA-256
sha512 function = 3 // SHA-512
sha3_224 function = 32 // SHA3-224
sha3_256 function = 33 // SHA3-256
sha3_384 function = 34 // SHA3-384
sha3_512 function = 35 // SHA3-512
shake128 function = 36 // SHAKE-128
shake256 function = 37 // SHAKE-256
// KLMD function codes
ghash function = 65 // GHASH
// queryResult contains the result of a Query function
// call. Bits are numbered in big endian order so the
// leftmost bit (the MSB) is at index 0.
type queryResult struct {
bits [2]uint64
// Has reports whether the given functions are present.
func (q *queryResult) Has(fns ...function) bool {
if len(fns) == 0 {
panic("no function codes provided")
for _, f := range fns {
if !bitIsSet(q.bits[:], uint(f)) {
return false
return true
// facility is a bit index for the named facility.
type facility uint8
const (
// cryptography facilities
msa4 facility = 77 // message-security-assist extension 4
msa8 facility = 146 // message-security-assist extension 8
// facilityList contains the result of an STFLE call.
// Bits are numbered in big endian order so the
// leftmost bit (the MSB) is at index 0.
type facilityList struct {
bits [4]uint64
// Has reports whether the given facilities are present.
func (s *facilityList) Has(fs ...facility) bool {
if len(fs) == 0 {
panic("no facility bits provided")
for _, f := range fs {
if !bitIsSet(s.bits[:], uint(f)) {
return false
return true
func doinit() {
// test HWCAP bit vector
has := func(featureMask uint) bool {
return hwCap&featureMask == featureMask
// mandatory
S390X.HasZARCH = has(hwcap_ZARCH)
// optional
S390X.HasSTFLE = has(hwcap_STFLE)
S390X.HasLDISP = has(hwcap_LDISP)
S390X.HasEIMM = has(hwcap_EIMM)
S390X.HasETF3EH = has(hwcap_ETF3EH)
S390X.HasDFP = has(hwcap_DFP)
S390X.HasMSA = has(hwcap_MSA)
S390X.HasVX = has(hwcap_VX)
if S390X.HasVX {
S390X.HasVXE = has(hwcap_VXE)
// We need implementations of stfle, km and so on
// to detect cryptographic features.
if !haveAsmFunctions() {
// optional cryptographic functions
if S390X.HasMSA {
aes := []function{aes128, aes192, aes256}
// cipher message
km, kmc := kmQuery(), kmcQuery()
S390X.HasAES = km.Has(aes...)
S390X.HasAESCBC = kmc.Has(aes...)
if S390X.HasSTFLE {
facilities := stfle()
if facilities.Has(msa4) {
kmctr := kmctrQuery()
S390X.HasAESCTR = kmctr.Has(aes...)
if facilities.Has(msa8) {
kma := kmaQuery()
S390X.HasAESGCM = kma.Has(aes...)
// compute message digest
kimd := kimdQuery() // intermediate (no padding)
klmd := klmdQuery() // last (padding)
S390X.HasSHA1 = kimd.Has(sha1) && klmd.Has(sha1)
S390X.HasSHA256 = kimd.Has(sha256) && klmd.Has(sha256)
S390X.HasSHA512 = kimd.Has(sha512) && klmd.Has(sha512)
S390X.HasGHASH = kimd.Has(ghash) // KLMD-GHASH does not exist
sha3 := []function{
sha3_224, sha3_256, sha3_384, sha3_512,
shake128, shake256,
S390X.HasSHA3 = kimd.Has(sha3...) && klmd.Has(sha3...)
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cpu
const cacheLineSize = 256
func doinit() {}
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build !gccgo
#include "textflag.h"
// func stfle() facilityList
MOVD $ret+0(FP), R1
MOVD $3, R0 // last doubleword index to store
XC $32, (R1), (R1) // clear 4 doublewords (32 bytes)
WORD $0xb2b01000 // store facility list extended (STFLE)
// func kmQuery() queryResult
MOVD $0, R0 // set function code to 0 (KM-Query)
MOVD $ret+0(FP), R1 // address of 16-byte return value
WORD $0xB92E0024 // cipher message (KM)
// func kmcQuery() queryResult
TEXT ·kmcQuery(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-16
MOVD $0, R0 // set function code to 0 (KMC-Query)
MOVD $ret+0(FP), R1 // address of 16-byte return value
WORD $0xB92F0024 // cipher message with chaining (KMC)
// func kmctrQuery() queryResult
TEXT ·kmctrQuery(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-16
MOVD $0, R0 // set function code to 0 (KMCTR-Query)
MOVD $ret+0(FP), R1 // address of 16-byte return value
WORD $0xB92D4024 // cipher message with counter (KMCTR)
// func kmaQuery() queryResult
TEXT ·kmaQuery(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-16
MOVD $0, R0 // set function code to 0 (KMA-Query)
MOVD $ret+0(FP), R1 // address of 16-byte return value
WORD $0xb9296024 // cipher message with authentication (KMA)
// func kimdQuery() queryResult
TEXT ·kimdQuery(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-16
MOVD $0, R0 // set function code to 0 (KIMD-Query)
MOVD $ret+0(FP), R1 // address of 16-byte return value
WORD $0xB93E0024 // compute intermediate message digest (KIMD)
// func klmdQuery() queryResult
TEXT ·klmdQuery(SB), NOSPLIT|NOFRAME, $0-16
MOVD $0, R0 // set function code to 0 (KLMD-Query)
MOVD $ret+0(FP), R1 // address of 16-byte return value
WORD $0xB93F0024 // compute last message digest (KLMD)
......@@ -55,3 +55,20 @@ func TestPPC64minimalFeatures(t *testing.T) {
func TestS390X(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOARCH != "s390x" {
if testing.Verbose() {
t.Logf("%+v\n", cpu.S390X)
// z/Architecture is mandatory
if !cpu.S390X.HasZARCH {
t.Error("HasZARCH expected true, got false")
// vector-enhancements require vector facility to be enabled
if cpu.S390X.HasVXE && !cpu.S390X.HasVX {
t.Error("HasVX expected true, got false (VXE is true)")
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