Commit f4917bf1 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike create subrepository

This subrepo is the ultimate home for some of the experimental components
being developed in go.exp now, and also existing pieces such as go vet.

R=golang-dev, bradfitz
parent ca8b9038
This is an empty Go subrepository. To create a new subrepository,
visit and under repositories,
type the new name, check [x] Clone contents and select [empty] as
the one you want to clone.
This subrepository holds the source for various packages and tools that support
the Go programming language.
Then execute:
go get
cd $(go list -e -f '{{.Dir}}'
Although at least some of the tools themselves will be included in binary Go distributions,
the packages from which they are built are of little interest to most Go programmers.
The go get will complain about not finding source code, but it will
successfully check out the repository.
Edit the README (this file) to describe the new subrepository, and then
use the usual hg change, mail, submit to send in the change.
You will need to follow
to enable the Code Review extension (pointing into your Go root).
To submit changes to this repository, see
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